KITAS (Offshore Limited Stay Visa)

Issued to foreigners who plan to reside in Indonesia for a period of 1 to 5 years.

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Investor KITAS C313(1 Yr.), C314(2 Yr.)

Designed for investing in Indonesia: C313 is for investments under IDR 10 billion, and C314 is for investments over IDR 10 billion.

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Working KITAS C312

Allows for legal work and residence in Indonesia for a specified period, contingent upon employment with a specific employer and job position.

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Entertainment KITAS 6312

For those who intend to work in Indonesia in the fields of art and entertainment: musicians, actors and other creative professionals.

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Family KITAS C317

A residency permit tailored for foreign nationals married to Indonesian citizens. It grants these foreign spouses the right to live in Indonesia.

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Retirement KITAS C319

Allows individuals aged 60 and above to reside in Indonesia for an extended period, facilitating a more relaxed and economical lifestyle.

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